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July 25th, 2024

GENRE SHIFT >> returning to our foundation

In april I made the decision to sever communications with the outside world and go off the grid. The on again - off again - part time development of Extraction Force turned a planned six month project into a two year endevour. Near the end it became a grind. For the the first time in over a decade game development was no longer fun. It felt like that lifelong spark was suddenly gone. It was imperitive to do some immediate soul searching about both my personal future and the future of the company I founded back in 2012 with so much fiery passion and creative ambition. Tough decisions had to be made...

The radio silence was never intended to last quite so long, but honestly the creative drive has been burning so bright once again that there has been no time (or desire) to pivot and do the mundane PR stuff that goes hand in hand with being an indie game developer (i.e. In addition to coding - I'm also the guy who does the website updates!).

TL;DR... the point of this tale is to express how excited I am about the new game that is in the works. Being up to this point an entirely self funded studio, citing the lack of any "major or commercially successfully" games, brings with it a constant cloud of reality. For the past decade Gray Wolf Interactive has been a secondary pursuit (despite being my primary life passion).

First person shooters are my bread and butter. The games I grew up playing; the genre I loved above all the rest and to top it all off they gave me my start as a game designer.
Yet when Gray Wolf Interactive was founded back in 2012 the company roadmap was designed to tackle unique genres and gameplay styles; outside of my norm... at least for the first few projects.

Fast forward 10+ years and several self published and successfully shipped games - ...and what the heck! Realization struck like lightning and inspiration has been flowing like a waterfall every day since.

we are making a first person shooter!
Pre-production officially ended this month and it is time to begin phase two: active development and an attempt at posting semi-consistent dev blogs.

March 31st, 2024


Wow. What a start to the year it has been! The original plan was to take some much deserved time off (away from the computer! away from game design!) after launching Extraction Force... however there have been a few housekeeping things that we wanted to take care of.

Extraction Force has a minor UI issue when playing the game on Steam Deck. This morning the source of the issue was located... and great success! This fix should allow the UI to properly display on the Steam Deck's native resolution of 1280x800. A couple of other 'quality of life' improvements were identified this morning as well and today will be dedicated to implementing all the changes and getting a hotfix released to everyone by this evening.



Delivering pizza has never been so dangerous!

Leap into your hovercraft, fire up the laser cannons, and prepare for the ultimate game of 31st century cat-and-mouse. Strap in tight - you play a delivery driver in a town where pizza has been outlawed. Blast your way through the local robot police force or use speed and wit to avoid their detection as you race against the clock to deliver to hungry townsfolk their favorite, forbidden cheesy meal.

Pizza Delivery 3000

[ game page ]

Can you last the night against the onslaught
of the cunning and creepy Tommyknockers?

They come for you!

Gold fever is spreading through Colorado faster than the plague. After packing up your family and traveling west, you sign with the French Creek Mining CO as a greenhorn mining assistant. You have one job: Protect the gold and stay alive all night! Can you last the night against the onslaught of the cunning and creepy Tommyknockers?

[ learn more about the game ]


You've may have heard of the ranch in Utah said to be "in the path of the skinwalker." It is the most scientifically studied paranormal hotspot in history, anywhere in the world. The US government has spent tens of millions of dollars investigating it and most of what has been uncovered is classified. What most don't know, however, is that there was once another ranch just like it located in Colorado! Now experience it for yourself in terrifying and immersive survival horror VR!

. . . wishlist on STEAM ↓


Nuclear launch codes have been stolen!


Launch into space and blast asteroids from the sky before they can hit Earth in this fast paced shooter inspired by the original arcade game. Earn upgrades along the way, maintain your defenses, and complete various side missions.

Do you have what it takes to protect our world?

[ learn more about the mission ]

:.:.::. 2017 IGF Entry .::.:.:

Asteroid Defender!

The wonder and beauty of nature fuel creativity. . .
. . .a healthy and adventurous lifestyle accelerate the passion.

Inspired by the ability to express ourselves. . .
. . .driven by the opportunity to make something original.

Meet Avery & Garrett: lifelong best friends and the heart of the wolfpack.

At heart we are an indie game developer. We are a small two person studio focused on developing unique and original PC games across all genres. Actively working on both solo and group projects in 2024 - our passion is making games.
To provide entertaining escapes from reality. *currently in small slices
To pursue some of our larger scale dream projects. We have stories to tell and small slices of interactive entertainment to share with the world!


Creativity has burned bright within me since my earliest memory. Deep down I have always found a desire to create. When I was young this manifested itself in paintings, creative writing, tinkering with lego creations, learning to play various instruments to make music, and of course... fort building(!) anytime some scrap cardboard was to be found.
(** ahhh the good old days when a cardboard box could provide weeks of entertainment).

Years passed and I began to tinker.

First it was my parents VHS player, watches and coffee makers... next it was building robots out of spare electronic components recycled from scrap hardware I could find.
Then in 1998 history happened and a little game called Half-Life launched. I fell in love with level design and mod creation. Drawn like a magnet to level design - I started making maps in the Source engine and quickly grew to designing my own larger scale games.

This was it... this was my calling... I wanted to make video games!

Making games is an art form. From the elegant integration of art, creativity, and mathematics that bring worlds to life... to the game design process itself. How such a simple idea scribbled on scrap piece of paper can be transformed into something you can 'experience'. The first time I watched somebody sit down and play through some of my work I was hooked. Seeing the raw emotion of a player as they smile with delight or mash the controls with intensity and focus... it is a gratifying and rewarding feeling.

Madeleine L'Engle once wrote "Our truest response to the irrationality of the world is to paint or sing or write, for only in such response do we find truth."


Video games have been a integral part of my life since before I can remember. It started with spending hours watching my dad play Pitfall on the ATARI when I was only 3 or 4 years old - and has continued through today as I passionately pursue the design and creation of my own vision. When I was 11 I ordered a program through the Scholastic Newsletter that allowed me to create my own video games. Three years later I started teaching myself how to program and create my own games. Immediately after high school I attended Full Sail University and received a degree in design and development.
Over the next few years I worked for two different professional studios but then decided that I was in it to follow my own creative passion, rather than somebody elses vision.